Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. It looks like we’re coming to the final part of our Trinitarian Commentary tonight. Isn’t that amazing? We’ve gone through the whole Bible to try to understand the Trinity. I do ask for your prayers first off. First, my continued Christlikeness as I am coming across more bumps on the road that need to be handled. Second, I ask for prayers with my financial situation. Finally, I ask for prayers in a third area in my life that everything will work out as it ought. For now, let’s get to the text. We’re going to the final verses of the Bible. Revelation 22:20-21.
20He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.21The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
Come Lord Jesus. Those are words that Christians have said for years. They are words that we say still today. They are the hope of Christians in that this Jesus who came and dwelt among us will one day come and bring about the final end of the battle between good and evil. He will take us to be where he is.
He is Lord. Let us think about that as we close this book. The last words of the book of Revelation and of the Bible as a whole end on a prayer. May it be so. May it be that the Lord Jesus will come soon. May it be that the promises he’s made for the faithful come to pass.
Who is it that came and dwelt among us? John told us that the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We beheld his glory. That was a wonder that gripped John as he wrote the prologue to his gospel.
John saw that glory leave. He was there at the empty tomb. He wrote about how he touched and saw and heard the risen Christ. He could not leave behind his awe of who it was that dwelt. One who bears the nature of YHWH, the second person of the Trinity, came and dwelt among the creation.
His coming marked the defeat of evil in the form of sin. His return is to mark it in judgment. The first time brought justification and sanctification for sinners. The second time it will bring our glorification. He will take us to be with him so we may be where he is.
How can we learn from this? Every Christian can look forward to what’s coming. This is the ultimate wedding. This is the marriage of the Lamb. This is Christ and his church together for all eternity. This is the honeymoon experience that never ends.
As we close up our look through the Bible and the doctrine of the Trinity for now, let us finish with the same request. He dwelt among us and died for us so that we may be where he is. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.