Reflections on Cherokee

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. Before continuing our look at Inerrancy, I’d like to write on the weekend my wife and I had taking part in an apologetics conference in Cherokee, NC at Christ Fellowship Church.

This was put on through the work of our own church, Community Fellowship Church. There were many fine talks, including one by my best man at my wedding, an excellent talk on Mormonism and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. My wife and I quite enjoyed the company of Winfried Corduan and his wife. Some great friendships were established at this meeting. The conference ended with a panel with anyone asking questions and some turned out to be quite interesting.

Something I had to comment on on the panel was when a young boy who I found out later was 12 asked a question at the conference, and he had gone around taking notes and asking questions to many of the speakers. When he asked something, I took the mike afterwards and told the people that I found it simply extraordinary that a boy of this age was asking questions and seeking truth and implored the church to wrap themselves around this boy and teach him. I would rather have a dozen like him in the church than to have 1,200 that are just going through the motions in a church. Such a thirst for truth is to be commended.

Something that has been notable by its absence so far is the subject of my talk. I spoke on the apologetic of love, a topic chosen by my pastor based on my talk on 1 Corinthians 13 at the church. I had mine be simply a marriage seminar pointing out that the reason the homosexual community is going after marriage and that we have no-fault divorce is that the church cheapened marriage to begin with. We will raise our intellectual arms against the homosexual activists and state that marriage is a sacred covenant and they are not to misuse it for themselves, and then go home and treat our spouses like they don’t exist.

Being an aspie, it also meant that I could be transparent and make remarks that most people would not have the guts to make. That does not mean that I said anything explicit or inappropriate. The audience quite enjoyed the talk with much laughter throughout it at several pieces of humor that I would throw out. Not just intentional humor, but simply stating the truth, which Bill Cosby has shown is often funnier. (Try to think of a joke the comedian tells. He just tells the truth and the truth is funny.)

There were also several who came up and told me how much they appreciated what I had to say, and most notably to me, a lot of these were women. We had a lady in our college class at our church who told me she began writing a note to her boyfriend during the talk stating that she never took the time to appreciate all the good he did but simply criticized him on the bad. I quite look forward to finding the link to my talk when it becomes available and putting it up here for you all to listen to.

In fact, the area was so nice my Mrs. has already stated that she would love it if we could move up there sometime, and considering the way the town was we stayed at, we just might do that someday. It would also enable me to help that church up there more in their apologetic endeavors and form a good bridge between it and the church that I attend now.

For those who read this blog and wonder about supporting what is done here, please keep in mind that it is only through such support that we can speak at conferences like this. I had to take time off from work, which is days that I cannot get paid, as well as rely on the support of others. A kind lady from our church drove my wife and I there and back, some from the church helped buy us meals, and the church we spoke at covered our sleeping expenses.

I urge you then that if you think the lesson on Christian marriage and other topics in apologetics are worth speaking on, then please consider making a donation to Deeper Waters via the donate button on this blog. Also, our ministry partner is and you can go to their donation page here and in your donation just state that it is for Deeper Waters. The advantage with going to Tektonics is that it is tax-deductible then.

Consider also subscribing to the blog and remember that we can be found on Facebook as well.

Finally, we definitely wish to thank the people of Christ Fellowship Church for allowing us to do this and our family at Community Fellowship Church who worked so hard to make this possible. We hope that our talk was something that will revitalize Christian marriages in the area and hopefully wherever else the message is spread and we get to speak.

We also thank you readers who do support us and read this blog regularly and we hope that many more of you will join in.

Trust In The Storm

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters. Before doing continuing writing on presuppositionalism, I’d like to write about some of what’s going on. It’s not a decision I’ve taken lightly, but I am hoping that this can be a blessing to you readers as well as reveal to you the honest reality of what our situation is like over here.

As regular readers know, I moved to where I am a little over 3 and a half years ago to continue education. Since that time, it has been a wild ride. It was in late December of 2008 that I was offered a job with a ministry. It was much better than what I was doing then and it certainly paid a lot better so I took it. I was doing something I got to enjoy and getting paid well for it. Meanwhile, my roommate and I had found an awesome church and I’d already got to teach a number of times.

Back in August of 2009, I visited a friend who was coming to the Seminary and he told me about a girl that I should talk to. She lived in another state four hours away so I emailed her. We started talking that way and on AIM and eventually on the phone. In September, we decided that we wanted to give a dating relationship a try. The next month, I went to meet her. At the end of that month, I took her to meet my parents. With the wisdom of many counselors behind me, in December, I proposed, and she said yes.

All is going well. Right?

Then comes April with the end of the month being near. My wedding is about three months away. My boss calls me into the office wanting to talk to me and at that point, I hear the devastating news that the company can’t afford to have me around any more. This was entirely out of the blue with no warning whatsoever. Thus, I’m about to get married and saving up money for a honeymoon and living with my wife (after the wedding of course) and then the rug gets pulled out from under me.

Fortunately, several friends and family came through at this time sending much in the way of donations. One kind donor who I’ve never even met in person sent enough money to make sure my wife and I could go on our honeymoon, and we did have a very nice one. For awhile, I had more money than I’d ever had before. Of course, wedding gifts were also coming in which were quite a help.

Still, there was no steady income coming in and in the midst of this, we saw difficulties. My pet back home had passed away recently. My grandmother later died around Thanksgiving last year. I was still unemployed. I had a sudden flare-up in my abdomen after getting back from Thanksgiving as well and it turns out it was my gallbladder and we had to have that removed. I only recently got a part-time job in retail. It brings in some, but it’s not enough to cover the bills really. We’ve had to apply for food stamps, something that I hated to do, and even those we’ve run dry now. The transmission on the car could need to be worked on soon and we are looking for a new place to live as our rent is bound to go up soon.

It’s been hard every time to get out the checkbook.

Still, I’ve tried to be a good husband and I hope I’ve succeeded. I do not raise my voice to my wife and if she says something or does something that needs to be addressed, I am firm but gentle in how I deal with the situation and make sure that I affirm her afterwards every time. I try to love her with the grace that I believe God has loved me with. I’d still say I have a long way to go.

Last night, we were at a college ministry that she likes to go to. Other than the leaders, I believe we are the only husband and wife there and I am quite certainly, other than the leaders, the oldest one in attendance. I found myself sitting during much of the singing. Honestly, a lot of music doesn’t usually prepare me for worship. Give me 2-3 songs for 10-15 minutes and I’m fine. I know a lot of you enjoy and appreciate music more than I do. Good for you. God bless you. Somehow, I find it hard to connect with worship music often. There are exceptions. The Mrs. can tell you that when I hear “Holy, Holy, Holy” I have to sit down immediately with the awe of the God I serve.

As we listened last night however, I found myself angry over what was going on in my life and wondering where God was then. It can be hard to hear about the goodness of God and the love of God when He seems to have left you. I also think however that it is important to realize that this can be a normal attitude to have. The Psalmist had it several times and was honest entirely with what he said. I believe it was Madeline L’Engle, a Christian writer, who wrote the following:

Dear God,
I hate you.
Love, Madeline.

It’s seven short words but so much is contained in those words. L’Engle has a deep anger in her at that point, but she ends it on love. She realizes that though she does not seem to be on good speaking terms with the Almighty at this point, she does seek to trust Him and she wishes to just let Him know exactly what is going on.

That is where I was last night. Ironically, the speaker that night was speaking on a topic I do know well and at the end for Q&A, I had offered to help and so he told me to come up as well as we all answered questions and I believe the listeners loved the responses that I had to give. I often look at such answers as simple answers anyone could give, but that could be a way of discounting myself. It is not to say that the answers are everything, but they are the result of years of studying.

There I am then upset about what is going on and in fact, I use the recent history to answer a question about how God is sovereign over all things and bring up a principle that is essentially that of Romans 8. My wife and I discuss on the way home all that has happened. I tell her how things feel and she tells me how things are. She tells me the thing we have to do now is to trust in God that he will get us through.

It is odd when one who is normally the teacher gets taught the exact things he’s supposed to be teaching.

So in the midst of the storm, I write to those also in the midst of the storm. In America, we know times are tough economically. The gas prices keep rising higher and higher every day. The cost of living just increases and it creates a lot of political unrest. As one at a job where donations for a Children’s charity are being collected, I see firsthand that giving is down. People aren’t wanting to part and a number come through my line saying “I need a donation.”

In all of this, my wife is right. All we can do is trust in God. When we prayed last night, we prayed honestly. We told God we weren’t happy with what was happening and that at times, he seems to be absent. However, where else can we go? As a theologian, I know the arguments that show me the nature of God and how He knows all things and the future is in His hands. It may look at the time like he does not know what He is doing, but He does.

Last night, she insisted for our Scripture reading that we read Matthew 6:25-34 about worrying. I also read Romans 8:28-30. I can say that if these events have got us focusing on Scripture, at least some good is coming out of them. Biblically, all of it will work for good. It is not saying all that is happening is good, but that it will work for good.

So if you’re in those hard times too, hang in there. You’re not alone. We’re in them together. Don’t also assume as some do that because one is in ministry the blessing of God is constantly on their life with them doing well. Oh God has blessed me indeed, especially seeing as I have a loving wife, but there are a lot of hardships at the time as well. Being a Christian does not insulate you from suffering but gives you a reason to fight on in suffering.

I hope this account has been helpful to some of you. I plan to continue our regular series soon, but today, I was of the opinion that this should be written on instead.

Remembering My Grandmother

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth! Last night, I told you all about my grandmother and asked for prayers for her. I received the word from my parents this morning that my grandmother passed away this morning. My wife and I will be out of town this coming week so don’t expect a new blog for awhile. I invite you all to go to the Tekton Ticker however this Tuesday for my review of Mike Licona’s book “The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach.”

For now, I’d like to remember my grandmother. My grandmother was known as Miss Purple. She always wore something with purple in it every day. She loved purple. Her house was the only house with a purple toilet, purple, sink, and purple carpet that I knew of.

I also called her Mommom always. My parents were trying to teach me how to say “Mamaw” and it came out Mommom. It’s a name that stuck. Whenever I’ve heard about anyone else using that name to describe their grandmother, I’ve somehow felt as if I’ve been robbed of something.

My grandmother was part of that great noble career known as teaching and she taught elementary school. Her students remembered her years later, even so that when she was in assisted living and in the nursing home, people would come by and see Miss Purple.

Wherever she went, she was popular. Everyone loved my grandmother. Her room at any of the places she went was the most visited room of all. Everyone loved my grandmother. I can’t think of a single enemy she had. She could be argumentative and stubborn at times, but you just had to love her.

She lived next door to her sister and I often visited both of them regularly when I was a child. My grandmother and I would watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy together. She especially hated watching Wheel of Fortune with me in some ways since I could often solve the puzzles long before she could. I remember the time I went to see her and she said she’d been working on a word in the Jumble for three days only to have me solve it in fifteen seconds. She’d say she hated it, but she also delighted in it. She wanted her grandson to succeed.

My grandmother always delighted in seeing me when I came by. I always teased her about my parents’ cat. I have no idea how it started, but there was a joke made about the cat calling my grandmother “Mamaw Granny.” Now she always insisted that the cat said “Mommom.” We checked though. It was “Mamaw Granny.”

My grandmother was eccentric as could be. I’m a diagnosed Aspie and we suspected she probably had some of the condition herself. She would hold on to items for the longest time. This even meant having pheasant feathers in her attic in the early 80’s where she had once thought about making a hat with those feathers.

My grandmother was very big on manners, so much so however that to his day, I have a hard time saying “Please.” That’s what happens when someone strong on manners has a grandchild who has a bent of a rebellious spirit in him. Still, she meant well as all grandmothers do.

And of course, my grandmother was a devout Christian who would call me with Bible questions. Her husband had passed away 27 years ago. She’s been without him for awhile but today, my grandmother is one step closer to him waiting for the resurrection. We will have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. She lived a good life and her battle is over.

Love you and miss you Mommom, and little Reagan loves and misses his Mamaw Granny.

Farewell Ken Pulliam

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters, where we are diving into the ocean of truth! We’re taking a detour from our look into the topic of science and Christianity. I had meant it to be shorter, but I have been given notice about someone in the skeptical community who passed away and someone who I had some interaction with.

Ken and I debated a few times on Of course, we disagreed on our conclusions, but I believe there was a healthy respect there. I honestly liked Ken in many ways. In fact, earlier this year, he had emailed me somehow hearing that I was getting married, probably on He wanted to send me his congratulations and encourage me to continue my education because too many students get married and they never finish their education then.

Ken had been an apologist for Christianity and even taught who apostasized, but he did not fit into a stereotype of atheists who don’t know the material. He was one who had a better understanding. Of course, I still think his understanding was wrong as he did not agree with it, but I do believe he made an effort. It was a huge step up from so many atheists today who don’t even think they need to bother studying theology in order to argue.

In a world with the Rational Response Squad and the new atheists, it can be refreshing to know that there are deeper levels to the debate than you will find in these kinds of writings. There are people who want to seriously debate the issues and they do not want to simply use sound bites in order to argue their position. I believe Ken really wanted to interact with the material on the other side and I think that is an example Christians should have. Christians need to know what the other side is thinking.

I sincerely hope that there came a time for Ken to return to the faith before he died. I really do. I think we Christians need to watch what we do when those who are non-Christians die. Death is not a happy thing. If someone dies without Christ, we should never celebrate that. We as Christians should have our hearts remembering why we do what we do and the importance of evangelism.

I recall when Stephen Jay Gould died that there were several creationists who were practically throwing a party that surely he must be really hot now. We should not respond in that way. The man was dead and we need to honor his life. We need to remember that the only reason any of us are avoiding Hell is the grace of God.

I understand that all of his family consists of believers. I sincerely hope that if they read this, that everything I have said here is respectful to Ken. I know he treated me with respect and I try to do likewise to someone like that. I was sorry to hear about the news and if you read this, my wife and I pray for your well-being.

R.I.P. Ken.

To My Wife On Her Birthday

Hello everyone and welcome to Deeper Waters. I know I said that we’d continue looking at Providence, but I think today, I’ll write something to my wife. Now I am keeping her name secret, but on Theologyweb, she goes by the name of Toodles. Today, she celebrates her birthday and I wish to celebrate it with her.

A year ago Princess, you were not even a blip on the radar. I knew nothing of your existence. It was only when that mutual friend of ours told me about you and I got in touch with you and saw who you are and realized that you’re an Aspie like I am and that no one could bring as much happiness as you can.

So our adventure together really began in September. I came to see you for the first time in October. Come December 24th of last year, you had a ring on your finger and we were preparing to walk down the aisle as you did agree that you want to spend the rest of your life with me.

For me, it began the quest of holiness and right now, I tell friends in the apologetics field about how important that holiness is. It is so easy to spend all our time in apologetics in only the intellectual arena. We don’t really let the doctrine of God influence us like we should. We keep thinking the ideas will change us, but in many ways they don’t.

I knew a lot of the ways I needed to change long before you showed up. However, once you showed up, I started making it a higher priority than ever before. I started looking at the ways I treat other people in my mind and the ways I treat myself and saw that too often, I am very self-focused.

Hence, how my pastor told you that one change that’s come along in my life since you came is that I’m more other-focused. What matters more to me now is how you feel about something and what you think. I am secondary. I find that I have had an entire priority shift.

You caused me to look inside myself and see the inner darkness I have had for so long. I can freely admit that I am a fallen and imperfect man now. I can freely admit the natural tendency I see in me to sin, and I seek all the more to make it be more and more my natural tendency to choose love.

It has been a journey of seventeen days today. We’ve been through a lot together, but in the end, we’re always together. You stand by my side and I stand by yours. I’ve had to adjust in many ways, but it’s all been a good adjustment. You’ve helped me face fears I never thought I could. I have seen your heart, and I have prayed that I will have a heart more like yours.

I have also seen the stern side of you. I saw it tonight in how you helped with some friends of ours in facing something in their life, and I was pleased with what I saw. You have a growing commitment to godliness. You’re working on growing more in that area, and I’m standing beside you.

While I’ve been quick to think some things obviously true, you have also helped me watch what I say. I realize more and more that I could be wrong in many areas and how my arguments can come across to many people. You have an outlook that sees many things that I’ve missed.

I am certain I have grown much since I have known you and I am growing more and more. You have been God’s instrument in grace to help free me from what sins I have been caught in and help me embrace life as God intended for me to embrace it.

You are the most important person in my life, and I love you dearly. Happy Birthday Princess. Thank you for being my wife.

For Reagan

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters where we are diving into the ocean of truth. Tonight, I know I had said prior that we would start looking at falsity, and we will in the future, as in tomorrow hopefully, but not tonight. Tonight, I have received word that my folks back in my hometown have a new kitten named Reagan and I have been being texted with several pictures of the new member of the family. I have also been told some about what he’s doing and so I thought tonight I’d do a blog in honor of Reagan.

I called them to ask about the new kitty and heard my Dad laughing in the background. What was going on? Our new kitty has a whole new world to explore. He is running around and jumping and looking at everything. As I was told, he has big eyes with which he is taking everything in. I immediately thought of what G.K. Chesterton said when he said the wonder of a child exists in its ability to exult in the monotonous.

Oh if only we could all have the wonder of a child, and why should that not apply to kittens? Do my folks have a big house? No. It’s average size. However, to a true child, all of the world is a playground and we are too prone to not see it that way. A child is not surprised when he sees that there is a dragon in the world. In fact, he expects there to be a dragon. At the same time, he also expects there to be a dragon slayer.

So at their house, Reagan has been busy playing with everything. Even a tiny paper wad that is no bigger than your thumb has been an object of great amusement. Boredom is one of our serious problems today and it is because we seem to think things have a quantity of wonder that is dragged out of them rather than having a quality of wonder that is part of what they are.

And of course, let us not forget love. I have already seen a picture of Reagan and my mother together and she is very happy with the new addition to the family. The child needs wonder, but the child also needs love. In fact, we all need it, and only God can truly give us the love that we need. This is not to discourage the other kinds of love. In a sense, Jesus does give us all we need, but Jesus gave us people to be friends, family to love us, and for some of us, spouses that will love us as well.

To my family and the newest member, I wish the best and I look forward to when I can get to see you in person. Enjoy life as you are brand new to this world (Just 7 weeks tonight I hear) and may we all learn something from your wonder at the world and may we too, in thinking about you, try to look at the world through the eyes of a child and see the wonder.

For Stormy

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters. I am going to diverge from our study of the knowledge of God to write on a different topic. As it stands, my family, which I live independently of, had to make a difficult decision today. Our family cat had been suffering greatly from numerous injuries and it was only a matter of time. Thus, the difficult decision had to be made to put him to sleep. I ask for your prayers in this time, particularly for my family as they are the ones coming home to an empty house. In light of what I would normally write, I am going to write a tribute blog tonight to Stormy.

Stormy was around 14 years old. We got him shortly after the death of our first cat. He was a beautiful Himalayan who wanted attention, especially from his “Mommy.” (Of course, not a cat Mommy.) My mother would hold him very closely often and he was just in Heaven whenever she did that.

For me, if I held him, he would stretch out his arms and legs as if he was flying upside-down, to which we called him Superkitty when he did that. He didn’t seem to do this for anyone else besides me and we never understood why it was that I was the only one who got that reaction.

Like any cat, everything had to be his idea, but his ideas were always amusing. It could be a picture of him in a travel case or a picture of him on my Mom’s head or a picture of him lying in the sink or a picture of him on top of my computer screen. Stormy found the strangest places to explore.

The only contention he really had was when there was another stray cat visiting our house and when Stormy and the other cat saw each other through a glass door, the two would hiss at each other. We called that cat Duke. After all, Stormy was the king so this would have to be the duke.

He had his own strange characteristics. Whenever he was done using the litter box usually, he would meow as if to announce what had happened. My own mother was the only one who could always understand him, even knowing when she came home one time from a trip and he meowed that the neighbor who had been taken care of him had been giving him the wrong kind of food.

We also had to get special bowls for him. Why? Because he had a habit of knocking over the bowl with his paw so he could eat off of the floor. Even when we got him bowls that he could not knock over, he would take each piece of cat food still and scrape it out of the bowl and knock it onto the floor so he could enjoy it there.

There were numerous times I would get him catnip and watch him “get drunk” off of the stuff. It was so amusing to see him lying near this towel with catnip and him deliriously rolling around. Like most any cat however, it didn’t last too long. When it came to any other kind of playing, it had to be his idea and only for a short time. Still, it didn’t take much. While we could often get toys at the store, he was just as fine playing with a rolled up paper wad.

Most enjoyable also was a time I found out a laser pointer was a great toy for a cat. Not only that, my IPhone whenever I used it around him brought much enjoyment. I would play the catpiano app and he would look around wondering where that sound came from and if another cat was nearby.

When my mother’s fiftieth birthday rolled around, I got her a picture I had an artist paint of Stormy taken from a photograph I had of him. Along with it was the caption “Love my Mommy” and indeed he did and she loved him and she still does. She will always hold a place in her heart for Stormy.

Sometimes, I had to take him to the vet when I lived there. It was never an easy time as first off, I often had to get the neighbor to help him into the kitty carrier. Then, the whole way there he would whine whine whine. Ironically, when the visit was done, he had no problem getting back into the carrier and when we got home, he would hide for a couple of hours until he was convinced it was safe to trust us again.

Things were getting tough for Stormy. His pelvic bone was torn and we found out he had spine damage. He was dehydrating and before too long he would be completely paralyzed. The decision was not easy I’m sure and when I got the phone call this morning, my mother was bawling. She didn’t have to say anything. I knew.

Do pets go to Heaven? I don’t believe there’s a definitive answer to this question, but when I think about this, I hope. I have no theological basis for thinking it or any philosophical evidence, but there is a strong part of me that says “Surely somewhere out there he’s waiting to see us again.” If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but I wonder if the God who created such variety of animals will not have some that were strongly bonded with us on the other side as well.

As I went through this day, it was hard for me as well. My mother on the phone bawling in the mid-afternoon was hard to hear. As I drove down the road then, my Dad texted me a picture of Stormy that said “A great friend.” (I get teary-eyed even as I write this now.) I was glad to finally park where I needed to as I thought that I would just break down. The sadness was great and certain recent events have got me more emotionally in touch with myself so that things hit me in this fashion.

Maybe I am away, but I miss him. I always have. Whenever I return to see my family, seeing Stormy has always been one of the highlights. I do hope I will see him again someday. In closing, I think I can end it best with a quote that a friend’s husband used at the death of their cat.

“My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today.”

R.I.P. Stormy. June 3rd, 2010. We love and miss you.

New Year 2010

Hello everyone and welcome back to Deeper Waters. Tonight, we’re going to not do our usual Trinitarian Commentary simply because this is a special event as we have just rung in a new year and a new decade. I would also like to think my most recent commenter. I do appreciate the comments. Before we get to tonight’s blo, I do ask for your continued prayers that I will become a more Christlike man, the man that I need to be for the future that lies before me. I also ask that you pray for my financial situation as this will be an expensive new year for me. Finally, I ask for prayers in a certain area of my life in which there is much to overcome. Now let’s blog.

2009 has been an interesting year. It had me awfully nervous at the start seeing as I am an incredibly strong conservative. However, what’s a guy to do? I could either cower and say things will never work out, or I could look in the face of danger and say I’m going to make the most of it.

Many readers who know me know the major events that have taken place in my life this year. There have been happenings I never would have dreamed of happening that happened this year. It’s amazing how much things can change so quickly. This year has seen a lot of growth for me and I’m pleased with that.

I looked back some as I watched the ball come tonight and thought of how far things have come. Maybe you did the same. I had a friend with me who remembered the time when 2000 was the big year everyone was looking for. Well now we’re a decade past that year. There were many things some of us were worried about in 2009 and now, we look back and wonder why we did at all. It’s amazing how we make temporary problems so eternal.

Now, we have a whole new year ahead of us. 2010 looms before us with promise. Some of us have some plans of things that we hope to accomplish in this year. We don’t know where this year will go, but let us not look at it with doom and gloom and fear of what lies ahead. Let’s instead take this new year and embrace and celebrate it. Would that we not just do that with each new year but with each new day.

There will be joys and there will be sorrows. There will be victories and there will be defeats. There will be difficulties and there will be celebrations. These are all part of life. Let us realize that. Let us also realize that we cannot change the circumstances in our lives. However, we can change the way that we respond to those circumstances. Let us make it a point in this new year that we will not be overcome but we will overcome. As Christians, this is our duty. We are salt and light in the world and we are to make an impact for Christ.

It’s a new year. Do something great for the kingdom. Enjoy this year to the glory of God.

Merry Christmas 2009

Hello everyone. Welcome back to Deeper Waters. We’re going to continue our look at Revelation next week. As it is, I am going to be out of town for Christmas and I won’t be doing another blog until Monday. For now, I ask for your prayers for my continuing path of Christlikeness. It is a process going on, but I see more signs of it happening every day. I ask for your prayers for my finances as well. I also ask for prayer in another area in my life that is of high importance to me. For now, let’s talk about Christmas however.

Have you ever considered Christmas as an invasion? It seems an odd way to view it, but it’s an accurate one. G.K. Chesterton wrote about this in an essay that’s found in a book collection of his called “Brave New Family.” Christmas was the world of Heaven invading the world of Earth for the battle for men’s souls.

Christmas is when the Word became flesh. How much we need to think about those words! The world of Heaven entered the domain that had long been dominated by the enemy and he fought opponent on his own turf. Christ took on the powers of darkness in a short time of ministry and conquered them.

This is what we celebrate. We celebrate the battle being shot. We often speak of the shot heard around the world. Christmas was the first shot that was heard around the world. Christmas was God laying down the gauntlet to satan and saying that he would no longer rule. His time was to be cut short. (Not to say that satan ever literally ruled the Earth, but evil had been a dominant influence.)

We don’t often see Christmas as a declaration of war, but it certainly was as it was immediately countered by the slaughter of the babies in Bethlehem and with Mary and Joseph having to escape away to Egypt on the advice of angels in order to protect the young baby. Christmas today is a happy and joyful time, but let’s not forget that it has its battle as well.

By all means, celebrate with friends and family. Enjoy carols and Christmas gifts and such. Don’t lose sight however of what has happened. Christmas is the day that turned the world upside down. However, that is not entirely accurate. It did not turn the world upside down. It turned an upside down world right side up.

Christmas began the restoration of all things. The hope of all mankind came on Christmas. Listen to some of the carols, particularly the older ones, and consider the words that they have. It is easy to sing them over and over again and not really listen to the words.

Christ has come. That is what we celebrate in Christmas and in evangelism, we continue the effort on the battlefront for our ultimate commander-in-chief. As you celebrate Christmas, remember that you are participating in a battle that must be won. Onward Christian soldiers!

This Year, I’m Thankful

Hello everyone. Normally, I do my Thanksgiving post on Thanksgiving, but I’m going to be out of town this year and I won’t be back until Sunday night. Now I’d like to have a blog up by then, but I cannot guarantee it. I do ask for your continued prayers as I am going through a lot right now. I pray that I may become a man who is more like Christ. I’ve got some areas I’m dealing with in that and then there’s another area I’m hoping for God to work through in a major way. He knows what it is. I just ask for your prayers.

So let’s get to my Thanksgiving blog. I’d like to share what I’m thankful this year and if anyone wants to comment on what they’re thankful for, feel free.

I would like to start as well with D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s advice in beginning with theological truths.

I am thankful that God is there. I am thankful that he is who he says he is.

I am thankful that he sent his Son to die on the cross for my sins and that he rose again on the third day that I might live forever.

I am thankful that he sent his Holy Spirit and that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit.

I am thankful that God dwells in Trinity and that I might learn how to love my neighbor from that.

I am thankful that I am justified by grace through faith and that my sins will never be counted against me.

I am thankful that he gave us Scripture so that we could come to know him better.

I am thankful that he has the power to transform lives and that he is doing that in me.

I am thankful that I have been saved from the penalty of my sins and do not have to face the judgment of Hell.

I am thankful that I am promised that I will one day see the face of my savior in Heaven.

Now let’s move on to other things I’m thankful for.

I’m thankful first off that I have someone special in my life who means very much to me and encourages me to be a better man.

I’m thankful for my closest friend who has been a friend by my side for these years that I’ve lived in this town.

I’m thankful for all my other friends both near and far off who have been a support through my life and I could not have made it without them.

I’m thankful for my workplace where I do a job that I enjoy and I get a good pay.

I’m thankful that I have a place to live and that I have my health.

I’m thankful that God has blessed me with a vast library of books.

I’m thankful that he’s allowed me to be an influence and blessed me with knowing some great minds in my field.

I’m thankful that I have an excellent church that has been a family to me.

I’m thankful for the mind that God gave me that I can use it for his glory.

I’m thankful that he made me the person I am. He made me a man that can uniquely enjoy the beauty of the lady and he gave me a unique condition that causes me to see the world differently. See here for more details on my story:

I am thankful for a family back where I used to live who made sure that their son was raised in church. I didn’t always understand it at the time, but now I appreciate it.

I am thankful that I live in a country where I can worship freely.

I am thankful for the medium of the internet whereby I am able to disseminate my thoughts for others to see.

I’m sure throughout this weekend, I’ll think of several other things I’m thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ for all he’s done for us.