Podcast Books

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Adams, Sean and Seth Ehorn — Composite Quotations in the New Testament

Akin, Danny — God on Sex

Andreades, Sam — Engendered

Antonacci, Mark — Test The Shroud

Applegate, Kathryn, and J.B. Stump — How I Changed My Mind About Evolution

Baker, Bruce — For Thou Art With Me

Baker, Mark and Jayson Georges — Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures

Bannister, Andy — An Oral-Formulaic Study of the Qur’an

Bartlett, Andrew — Men and Women in Christ

Bass, Justin — The Bedrock of Christianity

Bates, Matthew — The Birth of the Trinity

Bates, Matthew — Salvation By Allegiance Alone

Bauckham, Richard — Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

Beckwith, Francis — Taking Rites Seriously

Bird, Michael — Jesus: The Eternal Son

Blomberg, Craig — The Historical Reliability of the New Testament

Branch, Alan — Born This Way?

Brockman, Lisa — Out of Zion

Butterfield, Rosaria — Openness Unhindered

Cabal, Ted and Peter Rasor — Controversy of the Ages

Campbell, Ronnie —- Worldviews and the Problem of Evil

Cawley, Luke — The Myth of the Non-Christian

Chabot, Eric — The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah

Chung, Michael — The Last King Of Israel

Clifford, Ross — Leading Lawyers’ Case for the Resurrection

Collins, Kenneth and Jerry Walls — Roman, But Not Catholic

Cootsona, Greg — Mere Science and Christian Faith

Copan, Paul and Douglas Jacoby — Origins

Dickerson, Matthew and David O’Hara — From Homer to Harry Potter

Dockert, David and Trevin Wax — Worldview Study Bible

Evans, Craig — Jesus and the Remains of His Day

Ewert, Per — Sherlock Holmes and the Case for the Empty Tomb

Felder, Harold — The African-American Guide to the Bible

Ferrer, Hillary — Mama Bear Apologetics

Geivett, R. Douglas and Holly Pivec — God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement

Gilson, Tom — Critical Conversations: A Christian Parent’s Guide to Discussing Homosexuality With Teens.

Godawa, Brian — Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Grant, Johnathan — Divine Sex

Greer, Johnathan, John Hilber, and John Walton — Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament

Heiser, Michael — The World Turned Upside-Down: Finding the Gospel in Stranger Things

Henderson, Scott — Death and Donation

Hickling, Ross — An Evidentiary Analysis of Dr. Richard Carrier’s Objections to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Holding, J.P. — The Impossible Faith

Hurtado, Larry — Destroyer of the Gods

Johnson, Eric and Sean McDowell — Sharing the Good News with Mormons

Jolin, Jason — Ready, Set….God

Jones, Clay — Why Does God Allow Evil?

Kaczor, Christopher — The Ethics of Abortion

Keener, Craig — Christobiography

Keener, Craig and Medine Keener — Impossible Love

Koessler, John — The Radical Pursuit of Rest

Koukl, Greg — The Story of Reality

Leithart, Peter — Defending Constantine

Levering, Matthew — Proofs of God

Licona, Mike — Why Are There Difference In The Gospels?

Lobert, Annie — Fallen

Longman, Tremper and John Walton — The Lost World of the Flood

Markos, Louis — Atheism on Trial

Masonheimer, Phylicia — Stop Calling Me Beautiful

McCune, Pam and Kim Wier — Redeeming Halloween

McDowell, Josh and Sean McDowell — Evidence That Demands A Verdict

McDowell, Sean — The Fate of the Apostles

McKinney, Bethany — Disability and the Way of Jesus

McNabb, Tyler — Religious Epistemology

Means, Scott — The Path To Intimacy

Miller, Corey — Leaving Mormonism

MIller, Steve — Near-Death Experiences As Evidence for the Existing of God and Heaven

Morse, Jennifer Roback — The Sexual State

Oakes, Jason — Sharing Jesus with the Cults

Parker, J. — Hot, Holy, and Humorous

Parker, J. — Pillow Talk

Parrish, Stephen — Atheism: A Critical Analysis

Pearcey, Nancy — Love Thy Body

Perry, Tim — Mary for Evangelicals

Rana, Fuz —- Humans 2.0

Ross, Hugh — Always Be Ready

Ross, Hugh — The Improbable Planet

Samples, Ken — Classic Christian Thinkers

Samples, Ken — God Among Sages

Sands, Bryan — Everyone Loves Sex, So Why Wait?

Sawyer, M. James — Resurrecting the Trinity

Schut, Kevin — Of Games and God: A Christian Exploration of Video Games

Sharp, Mary Jo — Why I Still Believe

Shenk, Richard — The Virgin Birth of Christ (Which I do affirm)

Sheppard, Beth — The Craft of History and the Study of the New Testament

Speck, Greg — Sex: It’s Still Worth Waiting For

Steppe, Rhonda — If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy

Stewart, John — In Defense of the Gospels

Story, Dan — Will Dogs Chase Cats In Heaven

Strauss, Mark — Jesus Behaving Badly

Strobel, Lee — The Case for Miracles

Thornhill, Chadwick — The Chosen People: Election, Paul, and Second Temple Judaism

Tilling, Christopher — Paul’s Divine Christology

Verschuuren, Gerard — Aquinas and Modern Science

Walter, Debi and Tom Walter — Cherishing Us

Walton, John — The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest

Walton, John — The Lost World of the Torah

Weima, Jeffrey — Paul, The Ancient Letter Writer

Wu, Jackson — One Gospel for All Nations

Yerkovich, Kay and Milan Yerkovich — How We Love

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